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History of Samalkha Industries
Present status
Product and process
Foundry material suppliers

msme founder of samalkha industrial association - chaff cutter

Department of Science Technology

About us
Product and process
Major products of the cluster are chaff cutters, cane crushers, valves and low end automotive parts such as motor casings, submersible pumps etc. The distribution of these products can be well understood from the following table:
Distribution of foundry units at Samalkha by end-use market segments

   S. NO.




  Chaff cutter, Kutti Machine



  Cane Crushers



  Valves and automotive parts





Source:  Base line done by foundation for MSME Clusters

Big firms:
There are 22 big manufacturing units for chaff cutters and cane crushers in the clusters. These units have casting units and machine shops to produce chaff cutters. The product of all the units is almost similar but it is sold with different local brand names. The casting is done in cold blast cupolas using cast iron scrap, pig iron and coke as their major raw materials. The support units available in the cluster supply them steel, handles, blades, stands and nut bolts for chaff cutters. On an average each unit produces 50-150 chaff cutting machines per day weighing around 60-80 Kg each. On the other hand cane crusher weighs around 1600 Kg. and is a seasonal product which is produced during winters only. These units are installed mainly alongside the national highway number one almost 40-50 years back. They possess ample land and have an installed capacity of more than that of what they are able to produce today.
Small firms:
There are 8 small units working in the cluster. These units work with small size cold blast cupolas of 22” to 26” Inner Dia (ID). These units do casting work only for the open market mostly from outside the cluster. These units are engaged mainly in the production of low end automotive machinery parts such as motor casings, impellers, submersible pump parts etc. Raw material used is pig iron, scrap and good quality coke. It was learnt from the small foundry owners that average production of 40 tons per month
Support firms:
Production of chaff cutting involves some accessories mainly made of steel such as blades, handles, nut bolts and brass and gun metal parts etc. Following support units are available in the cluster:


   No. of Support Units



   Nut bolts      




   Brass and Gun metal parts




   Re-rolling Mills  


Earlier these units were completely dependent upon the big units manufacturing chaff cutters but now they have started selling their product to the retailers who visit cluster for purchase of chaff cutting machines. Some of the big units procure these materials in bulk form outside the cluster also either directly or through agents working in the cluster.
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